Saturday, February 2, 2013

Decisions, decisions

I'm horrible at making decisions.  Always have been and I know I always will be.  Big things, small things, you name it.  For example, when BFF and I make plans for dinner, we literally start trying to decide where we want to go days beforehand because if we wait until it's time to eat, we go hungry trying to figure out what we want. 

It's no different when it comes to decorating.  I love so many decorating styles, from using antique & vintage pieces to super modern minimalist, that it's sometimes hard to make the distinction between what I like and what I like for myself.  Thankfully I know enough about myself and my taste to know that I couldn't live in a space where everything felt fragile and museum-like or at the other end of the spectrum with everything all clean lines and no cute decor.  It's that darn sweet spot in the middle that seems like it should be so easy to find, but that's not always the case.  My goal is to strike a nice balance between old and new, eclectic but not crazy, complementary but not matching.

And this, my friends, is where pinterest comes into play.  I'm obsessed (and I know I'm not alone) and I really feel like it was made just for me.  I've always been a huge bookmark-er so I have lots of folders filled with links to furniture I like, images I don't want to forget, random websites with random information that I just know I'll have a use for some day, etc.  And that's all well and good, but when you're looking at a list of bookmarks, that's all it is: a list.  I'm very visual so I love that on pinterest everything can still be organized, but I can actually see everything. 

Obviously it's great for compiling pictures of beautiful spaces for inspiration for that 4000 square foot, perfectly maintained and decorated mansion I'll have some day. mBut let's be real, I know people like to make fun of it for its ridiculousness.  I mean, I do it myself.  Pinterest is pretty much out of control, but it actually can be helpful for us real people, too (hello yummy recipes and helpful tips on cleaning and organizing).  In some areas it also helps give me an idea of what I'm really drawn to that a list just can't.  Let's see, out of 70 pins on my "Kitchen" board I have 30 pictures of kitchens with white cabinets and carrera marble counters, 23 with painted cabinets (most of which are a putty olive green or gray), and only a handful with a wood stained finish.  Clearly we can get a feel for the look that I like.  I've always known that I've been drawn to the brightness of white cabinets and have really been into the colored cabinets in the last few years, but seeing so many similar pictures allows me to really pinpoint the look that I would want in my own kitchen (one day!) and to realize that a natural wood finish wouldn't be my top choice.


As for the pins I have for living spaces and bedrooms, I'm much more all over the map.  There are just so many components!  Couches, chairs, coffee tables, beds, dressers, side tables, etc.  And all the fabrics!  Oh the fabrics.  I appreciate the pictures I see of well-done glamorous spaces and would like to think I could be that fancy, but I'm not really a high glamor kind of girl.  I like a nice mix of polished and collected for my own space. 

Do you have a particular style or, like me, do you like a little bit of everything?  And if any of you are on pinterest let me know! 

[Pictures are linkedI tried my best to find direct links to the pictures, but you guys know how pinterest can be.  If not, it's linked to my pinterest boards.]


  1. Ooh I just followed you :) Pinterest can be really overwhelming, but it is nice when you can use ideas from it!

    I guess my style is a little bit of everything? When decorating my own spaces I probably am more limited in what I choose, but that's more because of a lack of imagination. Often I see spaces which I would never have thought to create, but are still really beautiful.

    1. Thanks for my first comment! :)

      I can relate. Sometimes I see things and I think, "Wow, that's exactly what I didn't know I wanted."

  2. I don't get the Pinterest thingy, too girly for me, but friend Curls digs it. Have you been to If not, check it, you'll like!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I've never been to Houzz but I've heard a lot about it. I supposed I should look into it afterall.
